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Maxx's Group International



Hello Maxx people! After learning about PT PMDN in the previous article, now is the time for you to find out about PT PMA. PT PMA or Foreign Investment is a business establishment in Indonesia where the use of capital can come from foreign investors wholly or partly in cooperation with domestic investors.

Foreign capital is capital owned by foreign countries, individual foreign citizens, foreign business entities, foreign legal entities, and Indonesian legal entities whose capital is partly or wholly owned by foreign parties.

The advantages that you can achieve when setting up a PT PMA are:

    1. Minimum of two shareholders (can be individuals or legal entities)
    2. Quick and easy business license
    3. Guaranteed special tax facilities
    4. Lower on-site taxes and import fees
    5. Can sponsor many foreign companies

Actually the establishment of PT PMA is almost similar to PT PMDN, the difference is only in terms of shareholders and capital. PT PMA shareholders can be all foreign owners or partly from Indonesia. And for the authorized capital, if PT PMDN is at least 50 million Rupiah, while for PT PMA it is 10 billion Rupiah.

Some of the requirements that you must prepare if you plan to set up a PT PMA are:

    1. PT name (Minimum 3 syllables) must not contain LTD or similar words
    2. Company data such as Deed of Establishment, Endorsement of Deeds, Decree of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, SK, Business Domicile, Company NPWP, Risk-Based NIB, and PKP
    3. Business Field
    4. Management and shareholders (Minimum 2 people)
    5. Share presentation
    6. KTP/Passport of Directors and Commissioners
    7. KTP Shareholders/Photocopy of Shareholders’ Passport (if the Shareholder is not a Business Entity Manager)
    8. NPWP of Shareholders (If the shareholder is not a business entity administrator)
    9. NPWP of Directors and Commissioners
    10. Details of the business being carried out (KBLI)
    11. Family card if the director is female (optional)
    12. HD Chief Director photo (optional)
    13. Business domicile address
    14. Company phone number
    15. Shareholders Telephone Number
    16. Company and Shareholder Email Addresses
    17. Business location plan (if the company becomes a taxable company)
    18. Company Stamp (If the company name has been approved by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights)
    19. Environmental Management Statement Letter
    20. Environment/Disorder Permit for companies that are not domiciled in the building
    21. Power of Attorney if this permit is authorized by the company Minimum authorized capital of PMA: IDR 10,000,000,000 (ten billion rupiah)


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