Our Services
Company Establishment
Opening a business or investing in Indonesia is now much easier and simpler. The Indonesian government continues to improve by streamlining the previously complicated bureaucracy, making it easier and simpler. This change makes Indonesia a worthy choice for your next investment location.
VOA Extension
Visa on arrival (VOA) allows foreigners to enter Indonesia without obtaining a prearranged visa. You must be a citizen of a country on the list of countries that receive VOA facilities from the Directorate General of Immigration, Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia.
Single Entry VISA (B211)
This visa (B211A) is applicable to those visiting Indonesia for official government activities, tourism, social and cultural activities, sports, business and commercial activities, family visits, journalistic activities, or transit.
Working KITAS
Work visas, or work KITAS, are intended for foreigners who want to work in a company located in the territory of Indonesia. The company can be a foreign-owned company (PMA), a representative office, or a locally-owned Indonesian company (PMDN).
Investor KITAS
(C313 / C314)
(C313 / C314)
The Investor KITAS is a special visa for foreign investors in Indonesia, provided by the Directorate General of Immigration to facilitate their stay and work permits.
Permanent Stay Permit
KITAP is a policy issued by the Directorate General of Immigration, Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia, regarding permanent residence permits granted to foreign nationals intending to live in Indonesian territory for an extended period.
Other Legal Services
National Agency of Drug and Food Control
Indonesian National Standard
International Standard Organization
Home Industry Food
Commodity Futures Trading Supervisory Agency
Reporting Certificate
International Driving License
Household Health Supplies
Medical Device Distributor Permit
Electronic System Operator Registration Certificate
Certificate of Residence
Halal Certificate
Alcohol License
Clinic Permit
Pharmacy License
Medical Device License
Patent Rights